Hi We're Jen and Alexis
We're the heads, hearts, and hands behind everything that you see here. We are not employees of a larger corporation that designs and manufactures the items in our boutique. It's just us, doing all of the dreaming and all of the doing. The jewelry is made by hand, using materials that we sourced ourselves. Each piece of jewelry went from idea to execution all within a home studio.
We are friends first and business partners second, and as you can see, we are sort of incapable of taking a picture without laughing. That's Alexis on the left and Jen on the right, although Jen must have been wearing heels because Alexis is definitely taller. Thanks for taking the time to get to know more about us and our story.
Our Story in Two Parts

According to Alexis
Jen is my favorite extrovert, the 'yes,' to my 'probably not,' the one who is determined to find a way to make anything work, and someone I can always count on to be 100% up for an adventure. She dreams big and isn't afraid to ask for what she wants, something I deeply admire about her.
She's also one of the most self-less people I know, always willing to help someone out at the drop of a hat and never ask for anything in return. Her laughter is infectious, and sitting next to her on a roller coaster is something that I wish everyone could experience just once.
We met when our kids were in preschool together, the older 2 fighting over who would get the last red crayon in the box, and the younger two lost in imaginative play together.
We weren't immediately besties because I'm too shy for that - but it didn't take long for me to realize that if I was going to be friends with anyone, I wanted it to be her. We took our kids to every playground, museum, park, and indoor or outdoor play-place imaginable together, our kids becoming like brothers and sisters, and the two of us becoming inseparable. As our preschoolers turned into grade schoolers (sob!), we both reached a difficult cross roads in life where our identities as moms were changing, and we were asking ourselves, "What's next?"
Champagne on a Wednesday was born out of a shared vision for what the next stage of life could look like.
According to Jen
It all began 10 years ago on a preschool playground. I joke with her and tell Alexis that I know that she wanted nothing to do with me and all my craziness at first, (some say that I'm a lot to handle). I don't remember exactly what changed, but something did, and we became inseparable. Every day was a new, crazy adventure with the kids. We were a perfect combo. Ideas followed by a ‘yes!’.
As the kids got older and HAD to go to school all day, our time together changed. At that time in our lives, with our little ones off to school full time, we both reached a point of wondering what was next, and we both wanted more.
I like to refer to Alexis as "the push.” She is the push that got the ball rolling on this crazy adventure of our small business. She is a super smarty, kind, an extremely talented creative soul, and is above all, genuine.
I have always dreamed of having a jewelry line since I was little, but never put much weight into it since I am more of a black and white numbers gal. Alexis, on the other hand, is very creative and artistic…everything I always wanted to be.
I learn so much from her everyday. She balances me out and for that Kevin (my hubby) is forever grateful.